Farewell, Dear WYM Friends!

2018-8-25 Ashley Lake (37)

Well, dear friends, we’ve been home for 2 months now and we think about the Washington Yakima Mission every day.  What a blessing it has been to know and associate with each of you during our last 3 years!  We loved every minute of our time there.

I am going to sign off here now, before this blog subscription renews next month for another year (for hundreds of dollars).  That means this blog will become static, or pretty much set in stone.  It means I won’t be able to add to it or make changes in any of the posts.  I think I’ve poured out everything I have during these last 3 years here in these posts.  I’ve loved sharing our Washington Yakima Experience with each of you.

My apologies for any mistakes or imperfections.  I was always sad when I couldn’t be everywhere at once to document the life of every single missionary.  I’m sorry for important things I  missed.  I’ve done my best to share the joy and love we’ve felt for these good missionaries and the work they are doing.  We love them with all our hearts.

This blog will remain as is from now on and will continue to be available to all of you.  It’s my hope that this will become a happy place of memories and history for all of us who served in the Washington Yakima Mission from July 2015 until July 2018.

I knew this day would come at some point, and every time I’ve thought about it, I’ve seen this image of Moroni in my mind, closing his record, and preserving it for future generations.  It always tears my heart out.  I can’t imagine how hard that must have been for him to record his last words.

006B-Image Moroni Plates.jpg

Now I am doing the same, but my words will continue, in other places.  If you’d like to visit or check in on me, I also keep a personal blog (Ann’s Words) and a family history blog (Ann’s Stories).  I’ll put the links below.

We are looking forward to our next Mission.  Please stay tuned to learn where that will be!  I’m sure there will be another blog and more stories to tell and ways to express my love for Jesus Christ and His restored gospel.  He is my Savior and Friend.  I am so grateful for the opportunities He has given us to share His joy as this gospel goes into all the world.  Bless you all!

Ann Lewis  August 2018

Ann’s Words:


Ann’s Stories:


p.s.  This blog will remain “alive” until Oct 6th.  After that it freezes in time.  Please leave any comments or make any last corrections before then!

About Ann Laemmlen Lewis

Thank you for visiting! I hope you enjoy the things shared here.
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14 Responses to Farewell, Dear WYM Friends!

  1. Kimberly Button says:

    You are dear to our hearts as well and we miss you every day. Thanks so much for sharing your mission journey with us and for ALL you both did to make it the best mission in the church! We love you!💕💕💕


  2. Rochelle Enderton says:

    We have loved every word you have written and every picture you have posted. Our son adored his mission parents and felt very loved and cared for. He was very fortunate to have had you for most of his mission experience. If you are available, I know he would love to see you at his Homecoming on September 23 (coincidentally his 21st birthday as well) at 12:30 at 3080 S 1765 E in SLC.

    We love you and appreciate everything you have done.
    The Endertons


  3. Alison Knight Gonzalez says:

    Thank you Sister Lewis for this record! You’ve done a great job especially with how many hundreds of us missionaries you have to keep up with. Love you ❤️


  4. Julie Oman says:

    We have missed your writings. What a pleasure it has been to get to know you both.
    Can’t wait to hear of your new adventures.
    The Omans


  5. Yvonne Rogers Judd says:

    Thank you for all the wonderful words and pictures that you have posted here. It has truly been a blessing for those of us who sent our missionaries to serve with you. Best wishes to you in your next adventures! Maybe you will get sent down here to the Gila Valley to work with us with the YSA kids at the Gila Valley Institute.


  6. Dyann Parker says:

    We love your pictures.
    We love your words.
    We love your passion.
    We love your love.
    We love your testimony.
    We love your service.

    We love you.


  7. Amy Rigby says:

    A thousand thank you’s for your service, sacrifice, and unending love. This blog is priceless!
    Love the Rigby Family!


  8. Amy Overson says:

    Thank you so much for the pictures, keeping me informed and your influence and love for my missionary! I hope to meet you in person sometime soon. Love ya


  9. Russ and Leah Fotheringham says:

    I can’t adequately express how much I love you guys and the positive impact you have had on our lives. The blog you have kept has been a gift of love and service to all of the missionaries and their families. Hundreds and hundreds of us! I can only imagine how sleepy you were when you’d type at your computer but yet you still posted so many great memories and details. We are so grateful!!!!!


  10. Aaryn Birchell says:

    Your words and pictures have been an incredible blessing as we sent our daughter BreAnna (Hermana Birchell) to be taught and teach the love of our Savior. May your words continue to bless future readers.


  11. Traci Johnson says:

    So grateful for the time, the energy, and the love you poured into our missionaries and this blog. You were amazingly thoughtful in your posts and what a beautiful testimony you shared. You have touched our hearts and lives. Thank you for being a mom to so many of our kids.
    Much love and happiness sent to you and President Lewis.

    Hermana Madisen Johnson’s mom


  12. Lisa Robalin says:

    Thank you, I have loved & enjoyed every bit of your YWM blog- A very happy place for me & many others.
    ❤️ Much love & gratitude, Lisa Robalin


  13. Hermana Powell says:

    Thank you for everything. I know these posts will help me to be the best me I can be. Thank you for teaching me. Thank you for loving me. Above all, thank you for taking time for me. I pray fervantly to remember all that you taught me. I love you forever! P.S.- This blog was the very first place I ever made contact with you. 🙂


  14. Joni says:

    Amen to alllll of the above sweet- from- the- heart messages……me too…..I have missed my everyday dose of you and President Lewis and the Great Strippling Warriors of this day, the Savior called you to be the stewards over…..all the uplifting thoughts on this HIS Gospel….HIS Way…..HIS Rescuing Power…..and yes, such a Happy place to end each day…….please stay connected with us all in this life…. I too, can’t wait to meet you, you lift my heart Sweet Ann…..God Be With You and your Family……xoxox joni


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